My lawn has now been covered by snow for almost two weeks, which – unburdened by knowledge – I believe is enough to formally categorize it as permafrost. My lawn shall henceforth be known as “the Vaartbroek ice caps.” […]
Category: Status Updates
Pinkie – Eclipse Color Themes
Every so often, I search the Eclipse Marketplace using the terms “pink” and “britney” in an attempt to make my IDE more of either. Unfortunately, so far the searches have been fruitless and all I’ve ever gotten from the Marketplace is dumb boring “productivity improvement” that nobody in their right mind searches for or wants. […]
Apple Music just taught me a new word: Deutschpop. It’s everything that’s wrong in the world. […]
Podcasts I Like
According to folklore, video killed the radio star. Then Youtube killed video. I’m not sure how podcasts fit into this, but here we are. During my one-year stint with biking 3-4 hours a day, I started listening to a ton of stuff: music, audio books and podcasts. It is not my impression that podcasts ever […]
Dwarf planet Ceres’ surface isn’t what scientists expected
Turns out it’s not Top – it’s Royal Pilsner. […]
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Youtube Channels I Like
Here’s something a bit different: a bunch of Youtube channels I like. I don’t really watch TV; haven’t really in 15 years. The format bores me and tends to put me to sleep. Lately, Youtube has improved to the point where there’s genuinely good channels that consistently put out content worth watching. Here’s a bunch […]