Reasons Harold Thomas Martin is imprisoned, in decreasing order of importance: 1) his name is three first names and no family name 2) of the three he picked the dumbest one to go first 3) he leaked 50 terabytes of whatever who cares? […]
Category: Status Updates
A couple weeks ago, all the service delivery managers swapped places with the SAP people. This means that I now have to walk the entire building to chat with the SDMs – which happens several times a day – while I have easy access to people working with SAP – which has never been a […]
Looking at the list of tracking numbers from my Aliexpress orders, most I’ve described them as either “weird” or “thing.” Figures. […]
I do a lot of my notes/todos the old-fashioned way, and accidentally invented the triple-v. It’s like the w but with 50% more v goodness. It offers a 33% productivity improvement in typing the www part of URLs and can even triple your productivity if you work at the VVV with the sole responsibility of […]
Great – it’s that time again. Where to go for TLS certificates? Need around 10 or so. Would prefer support for wildcards and multiple domains in one certificate. Don’t want to pay a fortune. StartCom is no longer an option after the take-over by WoSign and imminent removal from most trust-stores. Let’s Encrypt is annoying […]
Машани – Мой Путин [new Czech subs]
In war, truth is not the first casualty. Subtlety is. Propaganda can also be completely outlandish to the point of hilarity. Or outright heart-clinching. A nice touch is that the Russian version of the last one ( has a (slightly) different ending. And advertises Ukrainian subtitles. Luckily English-language media can cut thru […]