This is all kinds charming. […]
Category: Status Updates
Cherry-picking your comparisons. And replace posh with sporty. […]
I’m sporty and religious the Internet quiz™ says, so it must be true. […]
How to recognize if the study you’ve embarked on might not be among the hard sciences (in case you didn’t already know): – assignments have word count limits – Harvard style citations (yuck!) – not only is use of LaTeX neither required nor encouraged for assignments, it is actively made harder by a file-type filter […]
Purchase recommendation algorithms will forever amuse me. Sure, I get the electronics suggestion. The glittery whatever that is is a natural consequence of my phone case purchases. The bedding makes sense – I ordered some sheets last week. The Frozen thing? Could perhaps be inferred from my purchases? I suppose? But two convenient cases of […]
I just made a terrible discovery! Audible’s Douglas Coupland selection is abysmal! I felt like revisiting classics like Generation X or Microserfs, but neither of those were available. Now, I’m stuck having to read them myself (which is not really shower- or biking-compatible) or dive into his post-2000 material… JPod and Generation A – no […]