Breaking: Nigel Farage has been crowned prime minister of the Untied Kingdom; announces first order of business is to use the £350M they save on weekly EU membership fees to print passive-aggressive flyers saying “fuck you” in all EU languages and dump them from planes over Brussels. […]
Category: Status Updates
A bit “get off my lawn”-y but the central message that “aantoonbare leugens niet meer electoraal worden afgestraft maar beloond,” is a sad state of affairs that I’ve seen also before last Thursday. […]
Furious Leave voters want to change their decision because they didn’t think UK would actually leave
This is why the UK should be booted. Enough with stupid “protest votes,” where people are protected against their dumb choices. Same with Denmark and Interpol. May you live in interesting times. May you be noticed by people in high places. May you get what you wish for. […]
When it comes to the environment, we can’t just sit back and hope somebody else (or – even worse – the government) takes action. I decided to not just idly sit by, and cut down a couple big ol’ ugly trees from my garden. Yeee-haw, deforestation, baby! […]
Alleen bij het FD: een Knip-Uit-en-Bewaar-Feitenkaart voor al uw #Nexit-discussies […]
Read More… from Alleen bij het FD: een Knip-Uit-en-Bewaar-Feitenkaart voor al uw #Nexit-discussies
Not entirely sure what to make of this. Blue cheese covered in white chocolate. Two of my favorite things in an interesting combination, but I can’t help but feeling that the combination is less than the sum of the parts. […]