For a while the last week or two, I thought the thermometer was broken and accidentally stuck at 30°C. I was wrong – now it’s at 32°C. With an open window and my biggest fan working full-time to cool me down. […]
Category: Status Updates
Boiling a clicking, which got me thinking: which is evolution-wise the better trait? Being delicious or being cuddly? My money’s on the former, which outs PETA in a bad light – they basically want to kill animals by denying them their evolutionary gained right to live. […]
Spent an exciting 4 hours filling in forms in Chinese, Dutch and Russian, and hunting for documents in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English and Russian. Good times. […]
My habit of never deleting e-mails pays off! The Chinese want the exact dates of my 5-years-ago trip to China. […]
I managed to fill out a Russian visa application in just under 30 minutes. I’m so good at playing bureaucracy. And I’m not talking about the Douglas Adams computer game from the 80s. Now for the Chinese one, where I’m so lucky I get to fill in an extra form due to applying for the […]
Filling in visa applications. Fun times. The cheat sheet is 24 pages long. […]