What do I need for 5 days in Milan. My allowance for checked luggage is 70 kg, so I’m thinking 2 pairs of shoes for each day, 3 clean t-shirts a day, 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of trousers a day, 3 changes of Britney boxers a day, one case of LFP, and […]
Category: Status Updates
The only thing distinguishing “rappers” from “rapers” is a little “p.” […]
With the recent advent of modern portable chronometers, allowing people in even the most rural parts of Belgium to tell the time accurately – often within fractions of a nautical bell – can we please shut down the churches now? Or at least make them stop touting their fricking bells every hour, especially when decent […]
Nederlandse bedrijven documentatie; everything about their name, .nu domain, and sucky logo screams “totally not a scam!” […]
Since the release Monday afternoon, I’ve now listened to Britney Spears – Ooh La La 365 times. That once for each day of a year or a total listening time of just over 26 hours. […]
Menu | karpendonksehoeve.nl
Neat concept: “Wij kunnen elk gerecht zowel als voor, tussen of hoofdgerecht voor u maken.” Om optimale keuzevrijheid aan u te geven hebben wij onze menukaart niet meer onderverdeeld in voor-en hoofdgerecht. Wij kunnen elk gerecht zowel als voor, tussen of hoofdgerecht voor u maken. U hoeft alleen nog maar te kiezen waar u zin […]