Testing the beta of OmniFocus 2. Spiffy so far. […]
Category: Status Updates
Holy Britney of McComb, I don’t think I’ve been this productive on a Saturday since the invention of Fridays! One paper finished and one demo video recorded (but not edited). Tomorrow: fourth and final paper of this week, editing a video, one tool release, and one presentation. Thank Britney it’s weekend or I would get […]
We’ve just been dellor kcir at the quiz! […]
Do you go out too much if a waiter of a restaurant you rarely go to approaches you and compliments you on your Rebecca Black t-shirt? And you’ve met the waiter over beers a couple times after closing. […]
You know how while drink sometimes you do stupid stuff? I slimiest bought a bar. Even thinking it over still makes it seem like a good idea… […]
You know how while drink sometimes you do stupid stuff? I slimiest bought a bar. Even thinking it over still makes it seem like a good idea… […]