Bam! Then Michael went sleeping for 12 hours. Must have needed it. Might be related to the fact that’s 50% more than I otherwise slept all week combined. […]
Category: Status Updates
I think I got an idea…. I’ll follow up tomorrow. I hate to be so vague, but I can’t go into details yet, but very happy if it goes thru. […]
Dear Godney, For Britmas, I want a debugger that can go back one step, just like the Borland Turbo Debugger in 1995. KTHXBAI, Michael […]
Camp Awesome – For whatever you need (and science) | Dream City – Realise your ideas at Roskilde…
Wooo! Roskilde Festival! Camp Awesome – For whatever you need (and science)12/06/2013The aim of the camp is to bring fun, knowledge, science and lots of orange feeling to Dream City. Everyday at noon we will be hosting a 10-15 min. lecture on the environment and climate from a scientific point of view, explaining the […]
Hmmm… Implementing a super-scalar miner took almost twice as long as constructing a parallel miner. Hence parallelism is twice as easy super-scalarity. […]
Parallel process mining: something you can easily implement in an hour; let’s see if I can implement super-scalar process mining as fast… […]