synes, at DF også skulle have offentliggjort listen over samtlige folketingsmedlemmer, hvoraf godt 150 er til fare for rigets sikkerhed. […]
Category: Status Updates
If anybody tried in vain to get a hold of me: I’m still, on the 4th day, without phone until tomorrow. You can get me on iMessage/Facebook/e-mail/+45 3112 9157 until then. […]
I’m, like a genius, but without the evil laughter! So, my iMac HD is broken and I’m too lazy to swap it out. Instead, I’m installing OS X on a USB pen, which allows me to use it in Target Display Mode. Britnius! […]
Eindhoven Culinair
The Michael-can-still-walk Edition […]
Michael Westergaard’s Homepage
Been tagging some of my (predominantly drunk-) picture-posts, and discovered that: Tags I’ve never used before: Football, Eurovision, Unicorn, Eindhoven Culinair, Toilet Humor Tags I’ve incomprehensibly used before: Xtina Ramblings about beer, Britney, computer science, politics, and other things that amuse me […]
Roomba: (noun) Name of an advanced piece of electronics and mechanics from Delaware company iRobot. Roomba’s primary function is beeping and saying: “Please remove and clean Roomba’s brushes.” […]