Just got an offer for meet&greet packages with Selena Gomez, Toto, Backstreet Boys, somebody who must like corn bur are bad at spelling, some ugly chick named Alice Cooper, and OneRepublic. Tempting… […]
Category: Status Updates
How to recognize if you use a program rarely: it’s not a web-browser yet offers to upgrade you from version 9.5.6 to 12.0.5. […]
We just finished the most ridiculously silly and amazing question for Quiz Night XL. You should totally sign up at http://www.quiznightxl.nl/en/tickets so you get to hear it! […]
MTBF for my iMac harddisk: exactly 26860 hours. […]
Quick and Dirty Declare Mining
We needed a bit more information from the Declare miner, so I proposed making a quick and dirty one based on my improved automaton library. This is the result of one afternoon, so it’s not really user-friendly ((It’s just very particular about which users it is friendly to…)) or smart. It simply https://westergaard.eu/2013/05/quick-and-dirty-declare-mining/ […]
Dining with the stars, anyone? 5 courses for €55 / 4 courses for €40. Karpendonkse Hoeve/Avant Garde/Boreas. June 1-14. Pre-sale just went live. […]