Britney would go, you know? There may be fun online voting for your favorite… […]
Category: Status Updates
Weee! It seems, Texas will be touring in November. Anybody up for it? […]
Quiz Night XL
Get free stuff, so you can get more free stuff. The quiz this year is britnific and there’s a great after party. Also, Greg Shapiro. Wil jij, samen met 4 andere quizvrienden, aanwezig zijn bij Quiz Night XL 7 juni 2013 in het Klokgebouw in Eindhoven? Stel dan op de website van Discovery Channel Nederland […]
Weeee! Just found a 10 копeeк coin lying around, making nothing special of itself. Now, how do I spend it best? A plane or a moat? […]
Danish auto correct is wonderful; typing in arxiv, it suggests sexliv. Arxiv is a place where crackpots can publish bad science and sexliv is Danish for sex life. […]
Productive day! I showed up at work at a quarter past 4 for a job performance interview, had a coffee break, and left for my home office away from home. […]