Big caveat of staying in a hotel room, like, forever: no decent sound system. Regretting not bringing my Beolit… Hmmmm… With a mini-jack \u003C-> LR I can hook into the TV and get some loud Britney Spears going… […]
Category: Status Updates
That point when your simple inliner/optimizer is so smart, you actually have to put effort into your test cases… Fricking thing discovered my program was a lot of control structure with no behavior. […]
Can’t we just bomb North Korea back to the Stone Age (ok, done; let’s at least turn them into nothing but a parking lot) so we don’t have to read boring news about them bitching every day? […]
I’m so politically correct! I have this piece of code for introducing control structures. Immediately, my brain goes control -> Hitler -> let’s call it AuschwitzVisitor. Then, I’m all mature and instead name it ControlFreak. […]
Goodie – deadline has been postponed 11 days, meaning I have a chance of implementing what I claim in the paper 😉 […]
The first rule of compiler design: generate as many temporary variables as you want and let the optimizer clean up after you. At least I hope that’s a rule of compiler design, because – holy Britney – mine’s generating temps faster than Bill Clinton can go through them. […]