Why yes, the streets HAVE become boringly passable lately, so I WOULD appreciate some snow to make the walk to the metro more exciting. Also, I made what mush have been an amazing-looking slip while typing that due to not paying attention to where I was walking. […]
Category: Status Updates
Quiz Night XL
Wooo. Now it’s official! …maybe explosions…? Proud to announce: A brand new partner for Quiz Night XL will be…. Discovery Channel Nederland! Expect some nice extra Discovery Channel material to challenge your brains with! http://www.facebook.com/QuizNightXL/posts/418360144927269 […]
I feel cheated. When shopping for a shaver, I just got two stamps. I saw that the lady next to me got at least THREE stamps on just one of the forms for her new iron. […]
Decided to put an end tommy hobo terrorist lifestyle and went shopping for a new shaver. Decided I might as well get new headphones as well. Now, I’m torn between these known good-sounding ones from Philips, and these off-brand – but pink – ones. […]
Broke a fuse in my shaver (apparently the sign saying not to use it in the shower wasn’t just for show) and look like a hobo or a terrorist. Maybe even a hobo terrorist. Out to promote our hobo lifestyle. […]
Stay away from NewsBlur for Google Reader replacement. It is slow and does not update all feeds, and apparently it is more important that just one guy is running it instead of serving paying customers. Let’s see if Feedly is up to the task. […]