I got some newsletter, skipped over the contents and saw the line “thanks for reading our monthly newsletter.” I got the praise without actually reading the newsletter – win! […]
Category: Status Updates
Am I the only one bothered by programs checking for (and announcing) updates without having the ability to auto-update? Fucking install the update and shut up or jut shut up. […]
For some reason, reading Friedman on the Moscow metro tickles my funny-bone. […]
Haven’t had a drink for more than 3 weeks. If we extrapolate that over a lifetime, it means I’ve never had as much as a sip of beer. […]
Life is an epic battle between the chambermaid moving the extra pillow and stupid blanket from the chair to the bed, and me moving them the other way. […]
Somebody should invent tea leaves that are heavier than water. Maybe infuse them with mercury or something. Or invent a way to make the buggers stick together. Fishing out the few leaves not sinking to the bottom gets old after a while. Did I just manage to make 237 characters about tea leaves seem interesting […]