iTunes has good taste: I just put it on random and it starts playing Paris Hilton. […]
Category: Status Updates
The fuck!?! The one useful Google service (aside from search), Google Reader, is shutting down… Anybody has suggestions for alternatives? Must work on Mac, iPhone, iPad and synchronize read items. […]
I project that the new pope is an old dude in a dress (who is totally against cross dressing) who likes little choir boys (and is totally against gays). […]
The joy of making presentations: going thru old Britney Spears concert pictures. That’s how you’re supposed to do it, right? […]
I think somebody is conducting a Pavlovian experiment on me. Every time I wash my hands after going to the toilet, I get a shock. Either I pick up a lot of static walking 10 meters to the toilet, something’s improperly grounded (I like the idea of improperly grounded pissoirs…), or somebody’s conducting an experiment […]
Anybody thinking Russians are introvert: totally not true. On my way to the office today, 2 persons stopped to talk to me, 2-3 persons took pictures of me, and more than a dozen pointed at me. Apparently, snow makes you seek contact. That or shorts and sandals. […]