I’m not a misanthropist. I’m a realist. […]
Category: Status Updates
Living in 3 different countries really taxes your wallet space. I now have one side (6 cards) for health insurance cards (not counting my Danish one which I for some reason got even though I shouldn’t), 1 side for employee cards (3 cards), 2 sides for customer cards (8 cards), 2 sides for payment/credit cards […]
Living in 3 different countries really taxes your wallet space. I now have one side (6 cards) for health insurance cards (not counting my Danish one which I for some reason got even though I shouldn’t), 1 side for employee cards (3 cards), 2 sides for customer cards (8 cards), 2 sides for payment/credit cards […]
Paperwork apparently bores me very much. 4 hours of paperwork, and – bam! – I fall asleep the second I get back home. Oh well, sensible sleeping patterns are for those annoying people in public transport, commonly known as “other people”. […]
Useful! Spent almost 4 hours signing forms (in Russian), getting basic fire instructions (in Russian), and hearing about the history of the university (in Russian). […]
How quaint: I just got my salary for January and February paid in cash. […]