I somehow doubt Twitter’s recommendation algorithm. It’s one thing that it’s recommending Xtina – that’s just poor taste – but now it suggests I follow Michael Moore? The king of propaganda masked as information, only surpassed by P.J. Goebbels… No thanks, Twitter. No thanks. […]
Category: Status Updates
Holy Britney Spears, is it already 10 years ago Melanie C’s album “Reason” was released? I remember it like it was yesterday… Britsome album, BTW. […]
“Grow Tall” is an herbal supplement that claims…
Funny pictures of horrible things you can get on Amazon: http://theworstthingsforsale.com/. Warning: It’s Tumblr and all links have referral ids if that’s not your thing. “Grow Tall” is an herbal supplement that claims you will grow one to six inches in height when you take it. It claims to make your bones actually grow, in […]
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How can you tell if a Norwegian has recently drunk wood alcohol? He or she is drunk. How can you tell if a Norwegian has ever drunk wood alcohol? He or she is older than 2 years old. How can you tell if a Swede has drunk…? The answer is yes. […]
I wonder if I have next-door neighbors? Let’s crank up the Britney Spears and find out 😉 […]
When you have to get all water from a super market, it becomes very evident how much tea you drink: approximately 2 liters/day, not counting the 6 cups/day at the office. #interesting […]