Weee! Leaving the office before 7 today. If I’m lucky, I’ll catch rush hour in the metro. […]
Category: Status Updates
Despite it being March (and hence officially spring), sunny and with temperatures above freezing (well, 1 > 0), you still get a lot (and I mean A LOT) of weird looks when you wear shorts. […]
My brain works in mysterious ways. First thought waking up: “I wish Argentina had more pirates. Then they could rename the country Arrrrrr-gentina.” […]
Feat of today (most of this week, really): Make Standard ML of New Jersey realize that 1.1 = 1.1 […]
MacUpdate March Bundle – get 10 awesome apps for only $49.99
If anybody’s in the market for Parallels Desktop 8, it’s part of MacUpdate’s current bundle ($50; see http://deals.macupdate.com) along with DEVONthink Pro, iStat Menus 4, and a bunch of crap nobody wants. MacUpdate March Bundle – get 10 awesome apps for only $49.99 http://deals.macupdate.com/ […]
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Why are people playing guitar and singing?!? This is not Roskilde University Center! […]