Taber! Vi andre kan snildt cykle med det dobbelte. Københavns Politi bekræfter høj promille […]
Category: Status Updates
Just discovered that I’m patching support for PA-RISC, Sparc, PowerPC and Alpha. I’m glad I spent effort on supporting those totally subsisting platforms. […]
I have to wonder if it is coincidental that the ring in the Moscow metro is brown? […]
Jumping between setting up WordPress sites, playing (ha!) with web development in the Play Framework, hacking internals of the Standard ML of New Jersey compiler, and making a presentation. […]
Just received a CfP for DSA. Is it just me, or have those three letters been forever tainted, and that abbreviation forever associated with dread and the desire to gouge out your eyes to just stay awake? […]
Bye, bye Danske Bank; hello Банк ВТБ 24. […]