Hmmm…? Surprise! New credit card. No wonder the old one stopped working. […]
Category: Status Updates
Huh? It seems it’s four numbers of Ølentusiasten (the beer enthusiast) ago I last cleaned up my paper piles. They are weekly now, right? […]
Remember that Cardigans song? I don’t know the technical term for my favorite game, but it can be summarized as “in which fricking pile did I put that document I need right now?” Fun times. […]
Got a great idea for a multi-national company name: Basic Research in Technology. Sounds sciency. We could have branches in Denmark, DEN-BRIT, Russia, РОС-БРИТ, and Britain, BRIT-BRIT. […]
Anybody knows the least-effort way to do dynamic discovery of classes? I want all classes implementing an interface on the classpath, but I’m too lazy to write configuration files or use OSGi or something else overblown. I’d like to be able to have the classpath basically be “myjar.jar:extensions/*.jar” (which should be possible using 6.something); it […]
Demo of Time Intervals and Time-Equivalence Reduction in CPN Tools 4
In this video, I show how time intervals and time-equivalence reduction works in CPN Tools 4 (3.5.3 and newer). get this version while it’s hot from […]
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