GTD tip: How to maintain “Inbox Zero” in 3 easy steps: 1) Make a mailbox with a name that’s not Inbox, e.g., Todo. 2) Move all mails from Inbox there. 3) There is no step 3. […]
Category: Status Updates
An inconvenient cold: started late Friday afternoon, sort-of tolerable enough to go to work Monday. […]
You know genocide? A part of the world population, larger than that of Israel, Syria, Russia, China and India combined, I am sure, will agree with me that this is worse. The rumors you may or may not have heard are true: I may have to go to Ikea. […]
Filling in a visa application and getting the right documents sure is easier the second time around; last time: 6 hours; this time: 5 minutes. […]
Weee. We have cleaned out part of the sidewalk for snow. That or the thaw did it. […]
Relaxing Sunday: A bit of laundry, a bit of baking, a bit of coding, a bit of doing software releases, a bit of formal modelling, a bit of visa application, a bit of telling myself I’m not really half-way sick. […]