Outside looks really depressing at 8 in the morning. Again, why am I awake at this Aguilerish hour? […]
Category: Status Updates
It seems going to the office always interferes with my work… I was in the middle of coding and, BAM! …have to go to bed because of stupid meetings in the morning. […]
I see a trend. 10 days ago, somebody broke in at Microsoft and stole their iPads [1]. A couple days ago, somebody drove a car into an Apple store [2] and crashed their windows. [1] http://technorati.com/technology/gadgets/article/ipads-stolen-at-microsoft-research-campus/ [2] http://www.tuaw.com/2013/01/14/car-crashes-into-chicago-area-apple-store/ […]
Fun activity: 1 month and a lot of alcohol ago, I half-way implemented a feature, breaking the build (without comitting). Now, on another computer, without access to a compiler, I start implementing another feature in the same program but using an outdated version of the source. Tomorrow, I have to sort this out… […]
Relaxing by refreshing my memory about equivalence reduction. Why is this paper 20 pages when it could have been reduced to 5 by not saying the same more than once? […]
Til alle FORMænd og NæstFormænd: Diskuter! https://westergaard.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Screen-Shot-2013-01-16-at-21.17.02.png (Virker på google.com; google.dk og google.nl giver andre forslag – sjovt nok foreslår google.ru dette: https://westergaard.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Screen-Shot-2013-01-16-at-21.23.36.png) https://westergaard.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Screen-Shot-2013-01-16-at-21.17.02.png […]