Delightful. I think I caught a mild food poisoning or something equally cheery. […]
Category: Status Updates
Is it vain to shower and put on deodorant also before going running? […]
Time to call it a day and have a beer! […]
Up early today! Well, early in the US. Hope I make it to work in time for the scheduled beer break. Why is a beer break named so? It is the exact opposite… […]
AXE Company Wants to Launch 22 People Into Space
Axe is going to award 22 customers with a trip to space. Personally, I’m just happy they finally they realize, their 22 customers should be launched into space for smelling bad. Source: AXE is looking for 22 people with the “right stuff” to fly in space. […]
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mcfcn | eBay
Shiny! Autographed calendars with Melanie C: (I am currently highest bidder on two of the 5 😉 ) Shop eBay for great deals from mcfcn! […]