What do you tell a dog that wants you to play while you’re watching Mean Girls? Stop trying to make fetch happen. […]
Category: Status Updates
Fact: if you take all the letters of the alphabet, you can appropirately spell all words from the dictionary. Except for approppriately, ain’t nobody able to spell that. […]
I need a bigger house. I’m running out of wall space for posters. […]
With Trump and Johnson running clown college in the English-speaking world, I think itâs time Zhirinovsky gets his day in the sun in Russia. Oh, and Trump should partner up with McAfee for the 2020 re-election. […]
Just ordered the latest Britney record. UO is really just going thru all of them […]
Am now authorized HVAC technician. Or, I added some WD40 to some moving parts in a fan to stop it from being noisy and it worked, but I’m, like, 87% certain that all an HVAC technician does. […]