Bird Nest Box
Painted like the front of a LFP.

Evil people (6.3) had stolen B, but we got her back.

C with a Good Friend

C with the same Good Friend


C touching up Bird Nest Box

C touching up Bird Nest Box

Ute and AK Dancing
Somehow a disco ball got between them.

Jenga-style Bird Nest Box
Touched up with the help of several labels from LFP bottles that have conveniently been emptied.

Bird Nest Box in Green with Disco Ball Scrapnel
Somehow the disco ball lost some of its glasses, which were reattached to the bird nest box.

Front of Bird Nest Box

Right Side of Bird Nest Box

Back of Bird Nest Box

Wrong Side of Bird Nest Box

Repaired Disco Ball
The disco ball have – fo reasons unknown to anybody – suffered damage. Luckily, we could repair it completely.

Good as New
See, no harm was done.

Sport the Bird Nest Box
Like a master of disguise, the bird nest box has hidden among like-coloured peers.

Ute and Per
No conspiring taking place, here…

More Ute and Per
Really, this has NOTHING to do with self-tanner.

Ute and Per Again
Ok, Ute has a self-tanner napkin and just wanted to get close to Per so we could smear it in his face.

Celia Painting Oranges
She de-orangified it.

Mmmm... LFP
This is totally a LFP and not the horrible, horrible There is No Santa from Brew Dog.

Ute in 3D
Ute with nicely photoshopped 3D glasses.