More Videos

I'm still making videos (as well as printing).  Latest productions below.  They show how to do off-line analysis in ASAP, outlines the JoSEL specification for generating a standard report, and, more interestingly, shows how to do hash compaction and how to combine the hash compaction method with the sweep-line method as well as how to […]

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Bit-state Hashing in ASAP

In this video, we change our safety checker to use bit-state hashing (with double hashing). We also try to modify our sweep-line checker to use bit-state hashing together with the sweep-line method, but see that this is not possible (as the sweep-line requires a storage we can remove from, but double hashing does not allow that)." […]

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More Slide-making…

I'm still making slides for the ASAP tutorial.  Or, rather, I'm still making heaps of videos.  The below videos shows how to use the sweep-line method in ASAP, how to change the safety checker to instead use the sweep-line method, and how to draw and export the state space graph.  These videos are a bit […]

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