One of the headlines in Dutch papers today is that 15 people have died after receiving the Covid vaccine. That sounds bad, but is it? According to the RIVM, a total of 571361 vaccinations have been given (with a certain 414858). Since the Dutch government has decided to ignore the recommendation to give people the […]
We All Made the Choice to Allow COVID to Spread – Worse, We Still Do

Three big mistakes lead to where we are today. The choices we, both colloquially as every individual but also we as our governments and the world as a whole, repeatedly make choices that let COVID remain. So, I’m not a epidemiologist nor I have any medical degree. That’s also not what I intend to talk […]
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The Numbers of Epidemics and Why Keeping Cafes Open is More Important than High Schools
There’s this old joke/riddle/maths puzzle: an algae is spreading in a lake so that every night, the covered area doubles. After 10 weeks, 70 days, the lake is fully covered. After how many days was the lake halfway covered? The correct answer is, of course (but very counter-intuitively), that it is half-covered after 69 days […]