I only do groceries weekly, because with all the precautions, it now takes 15 minutes instead of the usual 10, includibg walking to the store, and I ain’t got time for that. […]
The quarantine is really starting to hurt. Monday, I was almost running truffle mayo, and only Hitler himself would make a burger without it.
The quarantine is really starting to hurt. Monday, I was almost running truffle mayo, and only Hitler himself would make a burger without it. […]
Proof Corona is nothing compared to a mild seasonal flu: people are seriously pretending closed hairdressers and dentists matter. Just get a trimmer and tell yourself to floss more, bing bong, so simple: Corona crisis averted.
Proof Corona is nothing compared to a mild seasonal flu: people are seriously pretending closed hairdressers and dentists matter. Just get a trimmer and tell yourself to floss more, bing bong, so simple: Corona crisis averted. […]
In unrelated news, I’m trying to cargo cult cloud synchronisation, database storage and user interface using Cloud Kit, Core Data and SwiftUI with only the most rudimentary knowledge of either as well as Swift.
In unrelated news, I’m trying to cargo cult cloud synchronisation, database storage and user interface using Cloud Kit, Core Data and SwiftUI with only the most rudimentary knowledge of either as well as Swift. […]
Know the feeling when you’re learning a new (programming) language and refuse to start with some dumb Hello World-style application because you are fluent in several other languages?
Know the feeling when you’re learning a new (programming) language and refuse to start with some dumb Hello World-style application because you are fluent in several other languages? […]
Today, I swapped my Britney Spears and my old software CDs. That’s productive, no? https://t.co/GW5xMni83I
Today, I swapped my Britney Spears and my old software CDs. That’s productive, no? https://t.co/GW5xMni83I […]