Why is this dumb section talking at length about the dumb meerkat and scorpions experiment instead of getting into reinforcement and feedback in social learning? Aaarrgh!

Why is this dumb section talking at length about the dumb meerkat and scorpions experiment instead of getting into reinforcement and feedback in social learning? Aaarrgh! […]

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Here, I thought the section about operant and instrumental conditioning was dull and a retread of last year, now here’s social learning, which is obviously written by the other chapter auther, ready to bore you to death with never-ending word-vomit and no substance.

Here, I thought the section about operant and instrumental conditioning was dull and a retread of last year, now here’s social learning, which is obviously written by the other chapter auther, ready to bore you to death with never-ending word-vomit and no substance. […]

Read More… from Here, I thought the section about operant and instrumental conditioning was dull and a retread of last year, now here’s social learning, which is obviously written by the other chapter auther, ready to bore you to death with never-ending word-vomit and no substance.

Just put on a ABBA’s Greatest Hits record. Greatest hits my ass – they pretty much just ripped off the Mamma Mia soundtracks (both the good one and the second one). Like, do your own music, nerds!

Just put on a ABBA’s Greatest Hits record. Greatest hits my ass – they pretty much just ripped off the Mamma Mia soundtracks (both the good one and the second one). Like, do your own music, nerds! […]

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Just LOL of your bike helmet has less than 4 GB of storage. Smart bike helmets are here! Video recording, automatic lights front, back and turn signals, plus blind angle veichle detection. https://t.co/LwjykPtQcm

Just LOL of your bike helmet has less than 4 GB of storage. Smart bike helmets are here! Video recording, automatic lights front, back and turn signals, plus blind angle veichle detection. https://t.co/LwjykPtQcm […]

Read More… from Just LOL of your bike helmet has less than 4 GB of storage. Smart bike helmets are here! Video recording, automatic lights front, back and turn signals, plus blind angle veichle detection. https://t.co/LwjykPtQcm