r=https://t.co/j1RYS0XaAL ”real.crt” c=OpenSSL::X509::https://t.co/PNU9U1aQ0P(r) k=c.public_key k.private_key=1 g=https://t.co/l90H63BXBR g.set_generator(k.public_key, g.order, g.cofactor) g.asn1_flag=OpenSSL::PKey::EC::EXPLICIT_CURVE https://t.co/l90H63BXBR=g

r=https://t.co/j1RYS0XaAL ”real.crt” c=OpenSSL::X509::https://t.co/PNU9U1aQ0P(r) k=c.public_key k.private_key=1 g=https://t.co/l90H63BXBR g.set_generator(k.public_key, g.order, g.cofactor) g.asn1_flag=OpenSSL::PKey::EC::EXPLICIT_CURVE https://t.co/l90H63BXBR=g […]

Read More… from r=https://t.co/j1RYS0XaAL ”real.crt” c=OpenSSL::X509::https://t.co/PNU9U1aQ0P(r) k=c.public_key k.private_key=1 g=https://t.co/l90H63BXBR g.set_generator(k.public_key, g.order, g.cofactor) g.asn1_flag=OpenSSL::PKey::EC::EXPLICIT_CURVE https://t.co/l90H63BXBR=g

I don’t get why people pretend Brexit is such a hard problem. Took me 5 minutes to fix. https://t.co/rM94H4Ll9m

I don’t get why people pretend Brexit is such a hard problem. Took me 5 minutes to fix. https://t.co/rM94H4Ll9m […]

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Seems like I managed pretty much the first and last screening of Cats in town. Just over 3 weeks apart, lol. What a catastrophe.

Seems like I managed pretty much the first and last screening of Cats in town. Just over 3 weeks apart, lol. What a catastrophe. […]

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Update windows ASAP; if not today, then yesterday. This ones really bad. https://t.co/DPjQRwezyV

Update windows ASAP; if not today, then yesterday. This ones really bad. https://t.co/DPjQRwezyV […]

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Glass half-full perspective: anybody murdered in the inevitable Brexit riots is a person that is sure not to be killed in the Australia wildfires.

Glass half-full perspective: anybody murdered in the inevitable Brexit riots is a person that is sure not to be killed in the Australia wildfires. […]

Read More… from Glass half-full perspective: anybody murdered in the inevitable Brexit riots is a person that is sure not to be killed in the Australia wildfires.