This is the 3rd chapter in a row mentioning the ball pass/gorilla experiment. And the second with boring effect of cell phones on driving. Get on with it! […]
Business idea: Frozen/Dune crossover. Sting would sing the main number, Let it Flow.
Business idea: Frozen/Dune crossover. Sting would sing the main number, Let it Flow. […]
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A car has crashed, blocking a bus in the roundabout right outside my living room. Good thing it didn’t happen during rush hour, that would have sucked for people in cars.
A car has crashed, blocking a bus in the roundabout right outside my living room. Good thing it didn’t happen during rush hour, that would have sucked for people in cars. […]
O’Regan, 1992: the world acts as its own memory (on why our memory/perception is better st tracking objects than the background)
O’Regan, 1992: the world acts as its own memory (on why our memory/perception is better st tracking objects than the background) […]
Having a very manly day; started baking for breakfast, then spinning while watching Frozen, now sitting with the legs up studying the psychology of visual perception with a cup of tea and a Britney record, and tonight Frozen 2 at the movies.
Having a very manly day; started baking for breakfast, then spinning while watching Frozen, now sitting with the legs up studying the psychology of visual perception with a cup of tea and a Britney record, and tonight Frozen 2 at the movies. […]
Excellent tea: spoon and a half of Kusmi Blue Detox, one crushed dried chili pepper, and 90°C water. I should be an influencer.
Excellent tea: spoon and a half of Kusmi Blue Detox, one crushed dried chili pepper, and 90°C water. I should be an influencer. […]