I’m of course talking about this guy. […]
Tag: Images
Appreciated in His Own Time

Oh hey, look what I got. Guess it only shows that my long tirade on reviewing was right 🙂 (you should totally click that link and read it if you have any interest in scientific reviewing) Despite the typo probably having you think I’m the best at looking at pictures in awkward formats, it’s really […]
I’m a shrubbery
I’m a Britney-damn-it shrubbery of metaphors! Business logic with a database (left) and replication (right). Gives a completely new meaning to the Knights who say Ni, donnit? But I digress -the important part here is my ability to explain complex concepts with simple analogies: Mind. Blown. Like a baby in Baghdad. Also, today I’m playing […]
Flip it to Microsoft
Who told Microsoft this was the best place to hide the “flip object horizontally” tool in Microsoft Visio? Took me fucking 5 minutes to find. While the person responsible did well if the goal was to “annoy users,” they failed at the whole “anticipate what I want to do all the fricking time,” and I […]
About time
Fricking about time the Britmas decorations got up at work! […]
Fox – not too shabby except for the damn kids and the hipsters. […]