Hehe. […]
Tag: Moscow
Running, do I opt for the snow, the obvious ice, or hope the asphalt isn’t really black ice…

Running, do I opt for the snow, the obvious ice, or hope the asphalt isn’t really black ice… […]
Moscow river from Gorky park.
Moscow river from Gorky park. […]
Sightseeing in Москва – Gorky Park

Sunday, I decided to go to Gorky park (which really has the very Soviet name “Центральный Парк Культуры и Отдыха Имени Горького” or “Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure”). It was quite the hike, and the first glance I got was this: I decided to let main entrances be main entrances and enter thru […]
Sightseeing in Москва – Red Square and Alexander Garden

So, as most probably know, I’m moving part-time to Moscow. As a preparation for that, I’m currently temporarily in Moscow to teach a course. I’ve been quite busy, but Sunday I spent doing some sightseeing. As I live quite close to ((In Moscow terms; it’s around 3 km, which is, like, infinitely far in Eindhoven […]
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