Bedroom before, concept and after. I saved that room! […]

Bedroom before, concept and after. I saved that room! […]
The event I can only assume will be referred to by future generations as the great debeigement of 2015 is progressing acceptably. […]
As a wise man once said: Needs more Britney. That was me. I said that. […]
Working at a library has driven me crazy, it seems (well, crazier) – I decided that a good way to prepare for moving was purchasing books. Britney books, but books nonetheless. I just realized that the two segments I’ve spent the most time working in are education and libraries. Damn, that’s needy… Oh yeah, and […]
Ever since my watch started bugging me to stand up every hour, I’ve made a habit out of using that time to pack one box for the upcoming relocation of Casa Spears, and now it looks as if a Sligro barfed all over. I 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 saving all those boxes instead of returning them for deposit […]
My room is now done (click for much larger version)! Also, I got a set of boobs for my iPad. Now, our garden looks like an IKEA puked there: Delightfully white-trashy. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]