I’m a shrubbery

I’m a Britney-damn-it shrubbery of metaphors! Business logic with a database (left) and replication (right). Gives a completely new meaning to the Knights who say Ni, donnit? But I digress -the important part here is my ability to explain complex concepts with simple analogies: Mind. Blown. Like a baby in Baghdad. Also, today I’m playing […]

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Flip it to Microsoft

Who told Microsoft this was the best place to hide the “flip object horizontally” tool in Microsoft Visio? Took me fucking 5 minutes to find. While the person responsible did well if the goal was to “annoy users,” they failed at the whole “anticipate what I want to do all the fricking time,” and I […]

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Got to love Withings’ Dutch webshop

Got to love how Withings’ Dutch webshop is an unruly mess of Dutch, English and French to the point it’s hard to order anything if you don’t understand all languages. It’s like they just phoned in the Belgian site a Friday afternoon, and decided that since the Belgians are nothing but spare French, most Dutch […]

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