I’ve got a solution for the Brexit: lock the entire parliament up with all MPs inside. Also, make sure there’s 30 hungry lions in there. Feed Corbyn and Farage to the lions to give them the idea (also, that’s just a good idea in general: feed Farage and Corbyn to lions). Only let the remaining […]

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This morning, I believed that the best (= most amusing) outcome of today’s voting in British parliament would be if having to actually agree to something, they ended up voting for May’s deal. Now, it seems like clown-car-in-a-suit, Boris Johnson thinks he has a shot at becoming the British PM. I want that. […]

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The other day, I installed new smoke detectors. Now, I think I need to change their batteries. Apparently, new sensors are super sensitive to smoke, compared to the old 4-years-past-due ones, so they trigger every time I do anything in the kitchen, but I think I can fix that by putting in some flat batteries. […]

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