Having a cuppa detox tea. Wondering what would happen if I put poison in it…? Would it turn into pure energy?

Having a cuppa detox tea. Wondering what would happen if I put poison in it…? Would it turn into pure energy? […]

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Not a doctor of medicine or whatever, but has anybody considered trying a https://t.co/jqcfGgtD6p petition against COVID?

Not a doctor of medicine or whatever, but has anybody considered trying a https://t.co/jqcfGgtD6p petition against COVID? […]

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I have a good feeling about all the BLM protests. They will surely make a real and lasting difference. Just like did Kony 2012, Occupy Wallstreet, the Arabian Spring, and likely dozens more I don’t remember anymore because they had such great and lasting impact.

I have a good feeling about all the BLM protests. They will surely make a real and lasting difference. Just like did Kony 2012, Occupy Wallstreet, the Arabian Spring, and likely dozens more I don’t remember anymore because they had such great and lasting impact. […]

Read More… from I have a good feeling about all the BLM protests. They will surely make a real and lasting difference. Just like did Kony 2012, Occupy Wallstreet, the Arabian Spring, and likely dozens more I don’t remember anymore because they had such great and lasting impact.

Hot take: the main reason BLM got meaningful traction is that it has an easily personifiable enemy people can oppose, whereas for COVID the enemy is invisible and cannot be fought with impotent protests and Facebook shares. Discuss.

Hot take: the main reason BLM got meaningful traction is that it has an easily personifiable enemy people can oppose, whereas for COVID the enemy is invisible and cannot be fought with impotent protests and Facebook shares. Discuss. […]

Read More… from Hot take: the main reason BLM got meaningful traction is that it has an easily personifiable enemy people can oppose, whereas for COVID the enemy is invisible and cannot be fought with impotent protests and Facebook shares. Discuss.