Sessions Fires FBI Official McCabe Two Days Before He Was to Retire

We all know it’s better this way – the only alternative is he’d go on a bender with a young doesn’t-play-by-the-rules cop to solve crimes their own way, forging a strong bond between them in the process. […]

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Not gonna lie, the search/replace plugin I have in Chrome is a daily joy. Our ticketing system is dull, but it’s better when the “Assess” phase is replaced by a “Butts” phase, and the “Request Approval” button is much better when named “Beg for Validation.” Click-bait shiticles are much better when “bitcoins” are “Dunning Krugerrands” […]

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Not gonna lie, the search/replace plugin I have in Chrome is a daily joy. Our ticketing system is dull, but it’s better when the “Assess” phase is replaced by a “Butts” phase, and the “Request Approval” button is much better when named “Beg for Validation.” Click-bait shiticles are much better when “bitcoins” are “Dunning Krugerrands” […]

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