Mystery shipment

<g class=”gr_ gr_3 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_disable_anim_appear Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep” id=”3″ data-gr-id=”3″>Mystery</g> of the unidentified shipment from Poland solved: turns out I ordered new pictures and forgot all about it. New blue sea thing for the living room, monochrome Taylor, Joanne and Britney for the stairwell. Means my giant Britney poster have been demoted/promoted […]

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Know how sometimes you get a shipment notification from UPS stating they are shipping you a 7.5 kg packet from Poland? Yeah, I’ve no idea what that would be; I don’t recall ordering anything from Poland. What does Poland even export? 7.5 kg is little light for a road-side prostitute… I hope it’s candy. […]

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The Windows icon for Eclipse Oxygen looks like a marriage of pixels. Basically, two decidedly unmatched pixels got together in a loveless marriage and together formed an unmatched, low-pixel, childless icon. I think the purple pixel beats up the white pixel, but it insists it just fell down the start-bar. […]

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