Here’s something nerdy: nerds. Speaking of nerdy, does anybody know a good Java XML library which can parse XML schemas (WSDLs, really) and generate a semantical model + template XMLs? I don’t just want to generate a template, I want to be able to do so programmatically, and to present the template as a tree […]

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♬♩ And they say, she’s so Poppy, she’s a star, but she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking, if there’s nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night? ♪♪ It’s like there’s some subtle connection. Subtle like the holocaust. With imagery as well-hidden as a dick in a […]

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Film Theory: Poppy’s Hidden Conspiracy EXPOSED!

♬♩ And they say, she’s so Poppy, she’s a star, but she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking, if there’s nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night? ♪♪ It’s like there’s some subtle connection. Subtle like the holocaust. With imagery as well-hidden as a dick in a […]

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