LOL, who remembers their class on functional programming? Use a fucking accumulator and continuation to make your regexp matcher tail-recursive so it doesn’t cause stack-overflows! Or just, you know, make and optimize a finite automaton like a normal person instead of making a (recursive) matcher, you dolts! java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.RegularExpression.matchString(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.RegularExpression.matchString(Unknown Source) […]

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I’m in need for a backronym. Soon, we will have the yearly(?) POP-gesprek (persoonlijk ontwikkelplan), and I think my goal and main contribution to the company this year should be to suggest to replace them with HEAVY METAL-gespreken. Any good suggestions for what that would entail? Something “Human Evaluation…” V could be “Value.” Perhaps add […]

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