I’m starting to doubt my judgement. Yesterday I decided to remove some super-ugly curtains to get more light in my kitchen. That had the grave consequence of making the windows much more visible. Rather than taking either of the sensible actions: doing nothing or putting the curtains back up, I’ve now washed the windows. Is […]

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This be a dumb question, but can somebody explain to me why I can’t conveniently select parts of my notes and copy them to another note for easy refactoring? This seems like a very obvious oversight, and with paper being around for ages you’d think they’d have ironed out the most immediate problems. Heap-expand also […]

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Russia is threatening Sweden that they wont be their friend if Sweden joins Nato. Isn’t that a bit like if that big sweaty guy, who may or may not be a violent pedophile, but who definitely spends a suspicious amount of time near the playgrounds, just sweating in his dirty wife-beater, around the same time […]

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