The iTunes Remote application is really a savior in these trying times – otherwise, I’d have to remote desktop into the non-work computer standing two meters behind me to control the music.

The iTunes Remote application is really a savior in these trying times – otherwise, I’d have to remote desktop into the non-work computer standing two meters behind me to control the music. […]

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Today, I’ve 3 video stand-ups spanning a total of one hour. I’m glad we’re agile or that would be inefficient.

Today, I’ve 3 video stand-ups spanning a total of one hour. I’m glad we’re agile or that would be inefficient. […]

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With normal thermometers sold out for a month, we make do. Doesn’t say it is *not* for medical use.

With normal thermometers sold out for a month, we make do. Doesn’t say it is *not* for medical use. […]

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I hope that old geezer gets the ‘roni and bad (but preferably not dying, just a miserable ol’ time and a huge scare) for deciding his personal comfort stood before the safety of everybody else.

I hope that old geezer gets the ‘roni and bad (but preferably not dying, just a miserable ol’ time and a huge scare) for deciding his personal comfort stood before the safety of everybody else. […]

Read More… from I hope that old geezer gets the ‘roni and bad (but preferably not dying, just a miserable ol’ time and a huge scare) for deciding his personal comfort stood before the safety of everybody else.

Now, I’m stuck home with 3 of 4 symptoms that means no leaving the house at all (with fever being absent because I have no thermometer to determine whether I have it or not).

Now, I’m stuck home with 3 of 4 symptoms that means no leaving the house at all (with fever being absent because I have no thermometer to determine whether I have it or not). […]

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5 days ago an old asshole started coughing in the local super market despite quarantine rules clearly stating to stay the fuck home if you have cold-like symptoms.

5 days ago an old asshole started coughing in the local super market despite quarantine rules clearly stating to stay the fuck home if you have cold-like symptoms. […]

Read More… from 5 days ago an old asshole started coughing in the local super market despite quarantine rules clearly stating to stay the fuck home if you have cold-like symptoms.