Basic Design Principle of CPNaaS

CPNaaS is my new under-development API for colored Petri nets-as-a-service, i.e., a web-API for tools. At the core of the API is a RESTful web-service. This just means that each resource has a unique URL, which is manipulated as if it were a web-page. Web-pages are normally just obtained for reading (GET), but may also […]

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I’ve now surveyed the Dutch housing market for a couple weeks, and two things strike me as odd: 1) for a country that’s largely located under sea level, remarkably few places list “moat” as a selling point. I mean, a weekend and a shovel and you’re golden with tremendous added value. 2) for a country […]

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Explore | GitLab

Just made a bunch of ancient code public, so if you want to look at 15 years old code comprising such gems as “baby’s first plain X with C program (Feigenbaum edition, Mandelbrot edition, and stalker edition),” “baby’s first Ruby program,” “what is this ‘classes’ you speak of in C++,” “baby’s first attempt at 2D […]

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