That’s fricking hilarious. Context: That’s a Danish version of The Onion reporting that Niger is changing its name to Afro-America because they realized that their name sounds racist. […]
Tag: Status Updates
That’s fricking hilarious. Context: That’s a Danish version of The Onion reporting that Niger is changing its name to Afro-America because they realized that their name sounds racist. […]
Eureka! I thought today would be an even worse tea day than yesterday, and just see what happened yesterday! Even though it looked like there wasn’t even any green tea, I found a secret stash of the good tea. […]
So relieved! People are luckily too polite to comment on the obvious anachronism of me wearing Britney Spears Dream Within a Dream Tour: Live From Las Vegas. era shirt but a Britney Circus Tour era tea cup. […]
Boom! Looking forward to the Britney round 😉 […]
So, I was thumbing thru the newest Women’s Health. It’s fairly obnoxious and already sent me two push notifications. So what’s inside it? On the backside of the ads, which I must assume comprise the main product, I find health related writings covering topics such as sex/relationships tips, food tips, fashion/beauty tips, “articles” comprising 3 […]