My homepage is now reachable at so you always know what you get. You can reach me by e-mail at Yes, that is a top-level domain you now can and very much should use. Current sustainable energy sources in the form of solar and wind are quite bad. Furthermore, the current generation is […]
Tag: Status Updates
Just ordered the best domain name EVER! […]
Eventful trip to work today – saw an elderly man sitting next to his bike, in the ditch, performing what can only be described as “taking a shit.” Ok, it can be explained in other terms as well (post yours in the comments!), but that pretty much bums it up. Sums it up, not bums. […]
Hee. For the past 5 km a hipster on a legal moped has desperately been trying to overtake me. […]
In the morning, I was contemplating a small refactoring of a WordPress plug-in I wrote. Now, I’m installing a PaaS cloud with all kinds of plus-words for my resume because the project somehow scaled in my head while biking to work… […]
About time
Fricking about time the Britmas decorations got up at work! […]