Quotes Bill Gates never said: 6:40 should be early enough for everyone. […]
Tag: Status Updates
Somebody at work was all butt-hurt I was wearing shorts and decided that the mature action was not to talk to me or at least mail me, but instead talking to my boss. My first reaction was to maturely adhere to the letter of the complaint and instead wear a kilt. Instead, I just went […]
I’m no crypto expert, but really? function nonce() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 99999).toString(); } […]
News in NL: 8 persons so far has died due to drowning in 2014. Not news in DK: 10 persons died due to drowning just in July. […]
Anybody knows good Flash-decompilers? Need to reverse engineer a signature algorithm for a web API which is not really documented and protected by a dumb signature (I’m guessing it’s just a dumb MD5/SHA1 hash, but don’t know of what). […]
So far, September’s looking promising: plans for dinner on 3 different Michelin restaurants. […]