Unanticipated advantage of being unemployed: since I’m home alone all day, I can use my cheap deodorant instead of my good one. […]
Tag: Status Updates
Cleaning truly is the epitome of an activity with instant gratification. There’s literally no gratification afterwards; no sane person ever thought to themselves “geez, I sure am glad I cleaned the kitchen last week.” And the instant gratification is only large in comparison to no excitement at all. […]
After one week of unemployment, my todo list is at the same time much more interesting and much more boring. This week can be boiled down to: learn Objective C and iOS programming (yay!), and clean most of the house (nay!). […]
Anti-DF statusupdate
Til alle, der netop nu skriver statuser om DFs valgsejr: dette er hvad jeg læser når jeg ser din update. http://www.bitterblog.dk/2014/05/anti-df-statusupdate.html […]
Global warming or not, coal and oil are not the best energy sources. Wouldn’t it be great to use something else like sun or wind? Then why don’t we? Well, there are a couple reasons. Current sustainable energy sources in the form of solar and wind are quite bad. Furthermore, the current generation is not […]
Decided to learn some iOS programming, and being a lazy fuck, has a screencast running in the background. By Britney it that ever cringeworthy! Half the time I have to stop myself from yelling at the idiot to stop writing terrible code. […]