Why is everybody talking about Kim Schumacher? Didn’t he die from AIDS more than 20 years ago? Seems somebody’s get-well-wishes got a bit delayed… […]
Tag: Status Updates
I have a hunch my iPhone cover ruins the reception. I now have the choice between being online or having a pretty, shiny pink cover, so if you need me try Dommelstraat. […]
Just used my laptop for one of thems “computer games” for the first time. Now I feel so dirty, I need to go grab a couple pints to wash off the nerd stink. […]
Being a journalist must be the easiest thing in the world. Now, we’re well into the “burglaries during Britmas” period, going strong for the “top 10 of 20xx” stories, just to get to the “number of eye injuries” era. Then follows “how to lose weight” until some African country starts another war. […]
A Michael Moore flick is much like a Dan Brown novel: a poor narrative of made-up bollocks that people erroneously mistake for reality. […]
I put the spirit in britmas spirit. I put the beer in britmas beer. I put the shots in santas little helper. Wait, that last one doesn’t really work… […]