Q: Who is bored with writing and about to get a beer instead? A: Look to your right. If I’m there, it’s the person to your right. […]
Tag: Status Updates
Are you a Lohan, Britney or a Paris?
Comes highly recommended – some of the answer possibilities are hilarious: 6. What do you think of your salary? c) I hate celery 8. If I could be any animal, I’d be c) a banana My Result: You are a Britney – You are a great mother who is going through a bad mother phase. […]
*_*Britney Spears*_*
I’d like to point out, the reason I only got 93% is because the quiz is wrong – B’s 2nd single is (as I put) Sometimes. Oops I Did It Again, which is the correct answer according to the quiz, is the first single on her second album. You are 93% Britney Spears!! – Wow! […]
Which Britney Spears song are you?
Did you hear that sound? That’s the sound of any productivity leaving my office… My Result: Everytime – You need your significant other. If you did something wrong, all you want is forgiveness and the only way to make yourself feel better is to imagine you’re still with him or her. You are the kind […]
Which philosopher are you?
Excellent, now I’ve been categorized by an internet quiz I feel much more at peace with the world. (Also, surprisingly, I’m not surprised by the result at all…) My Result: Sartre/Camus (late existentialists) – The world is absurd. No facts govern it. We live well once we truly accept the world’s absurdity. YOU give our […]
How to know if your home internet is sufficiently fast: I’ve been sitting on a university connection all day with a VPN connection home (I needed to transfer a virtual machine to my home backup), but didn’t notice any problems with the internet speed. […]